Privacy Security

Confidentiality and Security

When providing services to users, whether individual customers or representatives of institutional customers, GEM may be required to collect personal information from users. To maintain the trust of users, GEM is committed to protecting the above personal information appropriately by complying with the privacy policy below.
This policy regulates how and what types of personal information GEM collects about users of GEM’s website, the circumstances under which VPS shares, discloses information, and the measures taken. to ensure confidentiality of information. In this Policy, the phrase “GEM” is understood to mean “GEM FINANCE INVESTMENT JOINT STOCK COMPANY” and its branches, transaction offices, representative offices and subsidiaries and affiliated companies.

1.Confidentiality of users’ information on GEM’s website
When accessing the website of GEM, the user must accept the terms of this Privacy Policy. This policy may be adjusted by GEM from time to time without prior notice to the user. Any changes or updates will be effective immediately from the time they are posted on the website. The user’s consent to regular access to this website means that the user agrees to such changes.
This policy does not apply when GEM has access to information in another form, such as when a user transacts with an employee at a branch or communicates by phone. In this case, other privacy policies will apply.
This policy also does not apply to information that users provide to third-party websites that display GEM online advertisements or access third-party websites without GEM is not operated or controlled. Please read the privacy policies and terms and conditions of third-party websites and consider whether they adequately protect the interests of users.

2. Information that GEM collects
GEM collects two types of information online: non-personal and personal.

2.1. Non-Personal Information
When a user accesses GEM’s website, GEM automatically records detailed information about the visit (user’s IP address, type of browser software used, date and time). of visits). GEM also collects information regarding the computer or mobile device (“Device”) used to access this website, such as operating system, model name, and configuration and Parameter settings.

2.2. Personal information
collecting personal information when users voluntarily fill in forms on the website:
a. An account opening application or other forms to request or register to use specific products or services of GEM.
b. Application form
c. Contact via email
The above information may include: Full name, address and other contact details; age, occupation, marital status; extensive financial information, including investment experience and investment objectives, risk tolerance; passport number, identity card or driver’s license, tax identification number, etc

3.How GEM uses information
cmay use the user’s personal information to:
· Administer, operate, support and manage the user’s relationship, transaction and/or account with GEM. This may include sharing information internally as well as disclosing such information to third parties as set forth in Section 5 below.
· Contact the user, if possible, or the user’s authorized person by post, telephone, email, fax, etc. regarding the relationship, transaction and/or account of the user. user.
· Provide users with information (such as investment research), recommendations or advice on products and services provided by GEM;
· Support for GEM‘s business activities, including risk assessment and management and compliance with corporate and legal regulations.
If a user’s transaction with GEM terminates, GEM will continue to process the user’s personal information, to the extent GEM can, as described in this Policy.

4. How GEM protects users’ personal information
· GEM use security measures, in accordance with applicable law, to protect personal information from unauthorized access or use. However, the open nature of the global information system is that personal information can be spread beyond the control of the security measures used by GEM; and the information may be accessed and used by others who are not required to receive the information.
· To protect against unauthorized access to personal information by third parties, all electronic personal information will be kept by GEM on a system protected by a secure network architecture that contains private photos. firewalls and intrusion detection devices. The servers keep personal information “backup” (recorded) on a regular basis in every effort to avoid inadvertent erasure or destruction of personal information, and are stored in a secure system. and the appropriate response system.
· When a user contacts GEM to inquire about a website or service, GEM can confirm the user’s identity on the phone before exchanging information. The questions and answers that the user selects when logging into this website for the first time will be used for this identification process.

5. Cases where GEM is allowed to disclose information

5.1.GEM may disclose and share customers’ personal information to branches, transaction offices, representative offices and subsidiaries, affiliated companies of GEM Company in accordance with the law to perform the provision of services.

5.2. GEM may also share personal information with government agencies and law enforcement when required or required by law, rule, regulation or legal process, including but not limit, report to government agencies, or enforce any obligations GEM may have as necessary, such as providing information at the request of a court or authority or with other other organizations such as the State Securities Commission, the Stock Exchanges and the Vietnam Securities Depository Center.

5.3.May disclose user’s personal information (i) to GEM’s internal or external auditors or attorneys; (ii) when GEM considers that disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss accompanying an investigation of illegal or suspected illegal transactions .

5.4. GEM may disclose or share personal information about its customers to independent third parties with whom GEM has contracted to provide services on its behalf, GEM will require the third party’s consent to comply. adhere to appropriate privacy and security standards or commit to providing a similar and reasonable level of security as GEM when handling personal information. In addition, GEM may share with a successor legal entity in the event of a merger, acquisition or similar transaction personal information and other information collected through the website and through the provision of information. service.

6. User’s rights
When providing personal information to GEM, users have the right to access any of their personal data held by GEM by submitting a written request to GEM. Users will be provided with reasonable access to their information and may, where necessary, correct and remove inaccurate information in accordance with GEM’s regulations. GEM will cooperate in providing such access.
The user is responsible for the absolute confidentiality of the password to access this website. In the event that the password is stolen or suspected to have been disclosed, the user must immediately notify GEM by email. Within 24 (twenty-four) hours after receiving such request, GEM will reactivate the access password and notify the user. Failure of the user to notify or delay in notifying GEM of the lost or suspected loss of a password shall be a reasonable ground for GEM’s removal/disclaimer of any damages or losses to GEM. with user information.

7.Other regulations
· The terms of this Policy form part of any other terms that the user has signed/agreeed with GEM such as policies, privacy notices and any applicable law mandatory use.
· GEM may occasionally contact users by post, phone, email, fax… to provide information about products and services that GEM believes users are interested in. If the user does not wish to be contacted in this way, or if the user wishes to exercise his or her rights to modify and access information, or if the user requires additional information regarding the privacy policy , please contact GEM.